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Detoxification instead of poisoning: recognizing toxin levels in the body – seven warning signs (video)

by | Aug 31, 2016


Detoxification is a part of the health base!

Today, people with toxins in their bodies are no longer a rarity. Poisons are omnipresent: pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals from exhaust fumes, industry, cleaning agents, textiles, etc.

Many of these toxins are stored in the body. You don’t always feel them. However, certain symptoms often indicate the level of toxins in the body. Only a few people then think of a gradual poisoning.

But only if you recognize the cause of the discomfort can you counteract it with detoxifying measures. What symptoms can indicate a toxin load in the body?

What symptoms indicate a toxin load in the body?

Do you feel sluggish, lacking in energy and tired? Much like a lightbulb waiting to finally be powered? Do you suffer from inexplicable mood swings, irritable bowel syndrome or headaches? All of these could be indications of a possible toxin load in your body.

Nobody is without poison today!

Nobody is free of toxins today. In a lecture, Dr. Klinghardt told of a cadmium detector in his laboratory that already went off when a car had passed on the country road 200 meters away shortly before. Car and industrial exhaust fumes alone provide us with a wide variety of toxins every day ( The daily poison cocktail: fluoride, sunscreen, nail polish and Co. (videos) ).

The main sources of poison

Other sources of poison include the following:

Residues of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides in food and unfiltered water
Heavy metals and chemicals from dental fillings and vaccines
Chemicals from clothing, home textiles, electrical equipment and furniture
Chemicals from washing, cleaning and cleaning agents
Chemicals from cosmetics and personal care products (toothpaste, skin creams, deodorants, etc.)
chemicals from medicines
Chemicals from building materials (paints, adhesives, impregnating agents, floor coverings, insulating materials, etc.)
Chemicals from tattoos
Chemicals from packaging, plastic, plastic bottles, cookware, etc.

dr soundhard

Seven signs of a possible toxin load in the body

It doesn’t matter which poison cocktail you accumulate in the course of your life, it is by no means healthy. Children are particularly at risk because their body’s own protective, defense and detoxification mechanisms are not yet fully developed. The consequences of exposure to toxins can be manifold. Toxins damage cells and their functions throughout the body, including the nervous system, so a wide range of symptoms is possible.

While acute poisoning can usually be diagnosed quickly, for example if someone takes an overdose of medication or accidentally drinks the cleaning agent instead of the soda, this is not the case with insidious poisoning. Tiny amounts of toxins are stored in the body every day for years, so that when the camel is about to overflow, no one can understand which toxins come from where and in what doses are the actual problem.

Very often chronic poisoning with toxic substances from the environment, from tattoos (please inform first, then tattoo) or from tooth fillings is not even considered as a possible cause of a disease problem. And if nothing can be found with the usual methods, the person concerned is referred to the psychologist with the diagnosis “subjective complaints without findings”…

The following are possible symptoms that can indicate a toxin load in the body. Please note, however, that most of the symptoms mentioned can also have many other causes, so that you should always have it clarified first whether there is another problem behind it before you think of exposure to the poison.

1. Sign of a toxin load in the body: Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue does not mean sluggishness after a short night’s sleep, nor does it mean an afternoon slump. If you are chronically tired and underperforming, you simply cannot get going, and even after getting enough sleep, you feel weak and lacking in energy early in the morning. Not even coffee can do much here.

If all of this is true, in most cases there is some kind of toxic load in the body. It is not for nothing that they say that tiredness is the pain of the liver – and the liver is known to be our most important detoxification organ. If she is tired and weak, the more toxins remain in the body. Here you can read how to achieve liver regeneration.

However, many toxins directly affect both the endocrine system and the immune system. Both systems are weakened and thrown out of balance.

At the same time, important vital substances or other essential things (exercise, drinking enough, etc.) that would give the body the power to detoxify itself are often missing. So it’s no wonder that the energy level is plummeting.

If you smoke even more and drink even more coffee in order to somehow keep yourself awake and stimulate yourself, then sooner or later the shot will backfire. Because whoever thrashes a lame horse will hardly turn it into a cheerfully galloping horse.

2. Sign of a toxin load in the body: When weight loss fails

If you just can’t get rid of your excess weight, if the extra kilos don’t go away despite all your efforts, a toxin load in the body could be the cause here too – and the solution could be called detoxification.

On the one hand, the toxins can affect your hormone system in such a way that the hormones prevent you from losing weight. On the other hand, many toxins are shifted into the fatty tissue. The fat now protects the organism from the dangers of toxins. As long as the toxins are there, your body will not let go of its fat. However, if the toxins are eliminated first, weight loss will suddenly succeed again.

3rd sign of a toxin load in the body: bad breath

If you suffer from bad breath despite extensive oral hygiene with frequent brushing, mouth spray and mouthwash, then this could be a warning sign of a toxin load in the body.

Poisons affect and change not only the intestinal, but also the oral flora. The healthy balance of the bacteria resident there shifts in favor of the putrefactive bacteria, resulting in foul breath. But a liver that has been overburdened by the high levels of toxins can also cause bad breath.

4th sign of a toxin load in the body: constipation

Too much toxin in the body can lead to chronic constipation. As explained under point 3, toxins can disrupt the intestinal flora and thus lead to constipation. The resulting dysbiosis in turn leads to damage to the intestinal wall, which means that more toxins can penetrate the body. The vicious circle is closed.

However, constipation alone can cause a variety of other symptoms. Because there are many toxins in the stool that should be excreted with it. But if the stool stays in the intestine for a long time, the toxins have a lot of time to get back into the bloodstream and can thus increase the toxin load in the body again. Headaches, irritable stomach, pain and tiredness can be the consequences.

5. Sign of a toxin load in the body: Sensitivity to smells

Not only pregnant women can suddenly become sensitive to smells overnight and simply can no longer stand some smells. People with a chronic toxin load in the body also develop an odor sensitivity in some cases.

So if you suddenly can’t smell your colleague’s perfume, you get sick from the cleaning products, you can’t sleep in the freshly washed and fragrant bedclothes or you don’t want to drive in the new car anymore, this could be a sign from your body that he is too heavily burdened with toxins, has developed an oversensitivity to chemicals and does not want to be overwhelmed with chemicals again.

Especially if you also develop a headache immediately from smells of the type mentioned, this could indicate a toxin load in your body.

6. Sign of a toxin load in the body: muscle pain

Muscle pain after a city marathon, a climb or a new workout is completely normal. However, if you haven’t done anything and are still suffering from muscle and joint pain, it could indicate a toxin load in the body. Because chemicals are stored either directly in the muscle tissue or in the joints and thus lead to tissue damage on site. Or they cause chronic inflammation, which in turn can quickly become painful.

7th sign of a toxin in the body: skin irritation

If you experience a sudden flare-up of teenage acne, strange rashes or itching, swollen tissue around your eyes, or even a sudden development of psoriasis, a toxin load in your body could be involved.

Because when the liver, kidneys and intestines can no longer eliminate the existing toxins and chemicals quickly, the skin rushes to help and makes itself available for the additional elimination of the toxins (the mineral water and beverage mafia).

If you suffer from one or more of these symptoms without knowing what could be behind them and without your doctor being able to find a cause, a toxic load is quite conceivable.

What is to be done in such a case?

Detox instead of intoxication

Understandably, where there is intoxication, detoxification becomes necessary. Your body feels overloaded and can no longer cope with the incoming toxins and chemicals.

Remember that each person’s elimination organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, lymphatic system, skin) have a different capacity. This means that if one person has a mouth full of amalgam and can deal with it very well without ever developing any symptoms, that does not mean that everyone in this situation has to be doing so well.

Another person can already reach their limits and become ill with a single amalgam filling or moving into a newly renovated apartment (toxic building materials!). Every person has an individual and partly genetically determined ability to detoxify. If you have less capacity here, you have to support your body with detoxification from the outside.

How to detox?

There are many ways to detoxify, i.e. reduce the toxin load, and we have already reported on many of them in detail. If this is the case, you will find the appropriate links to further information in the following list:

  • Eat a healthy diet of fresh and regional organic food to spare your body more toxins and to provide it with the vital substances it needs. Choose foods with detoxifying properties, such as B. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi), fresh sprouts , garlic, onions and plenty of green leafy vegetables ( green smoothies ). In any case, you should avoid white flour products and foods that contain table sugar or fruit sugar ( fructose ) in any way.
  • Drink plenty of water every day to flush the water-soluble toxins out of your body.
  • Avoid alcohol, nicotine and coffee as much as possible.
  • A far-infrared sauna (FIR) could help you to detoxify the fat-soluble toxins.
  • Avoid more toxins by buying your cleaning, laundry and personal care products from the natural goods sector.
  • Learn to breathe properly. Proper breathing allows the body’s energy to flow again and thus accelerates the body’s ability to detoxify.
  • Always keep moving, never sit for several hours at a time. Instead, make sure that the circulatory and lymphatic systems keep going. This is the only way you can be sure that many toxins are already defused in the lymph nodes and can be quickly released to the intestines for drainage. In people who sit a lot, on the other hand, the lymphatic system falls asleep, it comes to a standstill – and so does the elimination of toxins.
  • Start the morning with an oil rinse (also known as “oil pulling”) and clean your tongue of plaque.
  • Take a magnesium supplement, as magnesium helps with detoxification, while also having an anti-inflammatory effect and— depending on the magnesium supplement —it can also speed up digestion.
  • Consume high-quality antioxidants that reduce the oxidative stress that automatically results from exposure to toxins. Antioxidants are for example astaxanthin , OPC , aronia , barley grass juice , curcumin , vitamin C etc.
  • Have your teeth checked to remove tooth deposits (inflamed or decayed teeth or tooth roots ). Tooth foci can flood the organism with enormous amounts of bacteria and bacterial toxins every day.
  • If there is mercury pollution from amalgam fillings, you can have the fillings replaced and the mercury drained out .
  • If you suspect aluminum exposure, you can find more information on eliminating aluminum here.
  • Perform a colon cleanse to cleanse the intestinal flora, heal the intestinal walls and regulate digestion. In this way, you minimize the toxin load from the intestines and accelerate the toxin elimination with the stool. If you are already constipated but do not want to start cleaning your intestines immediately, you should always take measures to get your digestion going: take flaxseed or psyllium with a lot of water, eat fresh sauerkraut , drink plum juice etc
  • Following the colon cleansing, a lymph cleansing could be carried out. Three days of intensive cleansing are enough here (details here: The three-day lymphatic cleansing ).
  • Then carry out a liver cleanse so that the liver can regenerate completely and devote itself fully to the elimination of toxins.
  • Then do a kidney cleanse to strengthen your kidneys for toxin elimination, to help the kidneys regenerate, and to promote toxin elimination through the kidneys.
  • And no matter what you do, don’t forget to get enough sleep and moments of relaxation – both of which increase your body’s detoxification capacity. Always sleep with the window open to avoid re-breathing the toxins you exhaled.

Reduce toxin load in the body step by step

If you slowly but surely incorporate the above measures into your everyday life, you will be able to reduce the toxins in your body step by step.

However, depending on your degree of intoxication, your genetically determined detoxification abilities and your current condition (also with regard to the supply of vital substances), it may be necessary to consult an environmental medicine doctor or another detoxification expert and work out and implement a detoxification protocol together with them. However, most of the points listed will also be extremely useful to you as an accompaniment to a professional program.

When should you start a detox? For best today! Because a toxin load in the body does not have to be at all!


Marion Schimmelpfennig ‘s Mineral Water & Beverage Mafia

Plastic-free zone: How my family manages to live almost without plastic by Sandra Krautwaschl

Plastic Planet – limited plastic-free eco-packaging

Poison cocktail body care: The creeping death from the bathroom by Marion Schimmelpfennig


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Gerhard Schneider

Gerhard Schneider

DPT, Buchautor, Methodenentwickler

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