Treatment of vertigo (and tinnitus, hearing loss, shoulder pain and restricted movement, as well as teeth grinding and rigid tension states throughout the body)!
Well, how now? Dizzy spells, and what about the rest? That's the point. Most of the time clients come for a dominant issue, not thinking about the others or not knowing that this can also be fixed naturally, if at all. I experience this on a regular basis. ...

The way back after burnout, knee pain, shoulder pain and a nearly deaf ear
Brief history on my part. The woman whose view of the procedures follows my perceptions came by our house with a friend and I saw that she could walk cau. "Well, you're not doing too well either" I said after some time of conversation....
Sleep problems completely cured within a few days after thirty years!
A tremendously positive circumstance that has affected me myself. For thirty or more years, I couldn't sleep properly, couldn't fall asleep well, could barely sleep through the night, and could never get a good night's sleep. I was downright afraid of the...
Cat healing after sterilization and shock of cat mother
We have made a very interesting experience in connection with the sterilization of our cats. It was very difficult for us to have our cats sterilized, because it is a deep cut in the natural course of a cat's life. But in the end it is a matter of...
Cat healing after sterilization and shock of cat mother

Hand injuries, scaphoid fractures, metacarpal fractures, etc., supporting with the hands is no longer possible – what to do?
Again and again you hear from people, "I can't support myself anymore" "I can't do push-ups anymore", "I can't really grip anymore" and the like. Why actually, what can be there? It often happens that one falls, catches oneself with the hands and afterwards has big...

Misbite, why, the consequences and how to fix?
A bad bite it is then, if the teeth do not close evenly or the left and right sides do not close at the same time or if there is a crooked feeling when biting together or an unpleasant pressure on some teeth. Causes: Causes are various, for a better overview a...
Detoxification instead of poisoning: recognizing toxin levels in the body – seven warning signs (video)
Detoxification is a part of the health base! Today, people with toxins in their bodies are no longer a rarity. Poisons are omnipresent: pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals from exhaust fumes, industry, cleaning agents, textiles, etc. Many of these toxins are...
Shocking study: Countries with the highest vaccination rates also have the highest infant mortality rates
By David Gutierrez in info.kopp-verlag.de further informative posts The vaccination scam » Vaccination « The business of ignorance - a lecture by Dr. John Loibner The Contradictions of the Vaccination Hypothesis - Dr. medical FP Graph (complete) Here is the report...
Shocking study: Countries with the highest vaccination rates also have the highest infant mortality rates
By David Gutierrez in info.kopp-verlag.de further informative posts The vaccination scam "Vaccination " The business of ignorance - a lecture by Dr. John Loibner The Contradictions of the Vaccination Hypothesis - Dr. medical FP Graph (complete) Here is the report from...